Monday, August 31, 2009

H1N1 Flu

I never thought it would happen to me.
I woke up last Monday with the sniffles and figured that I was getting a cold...
It was, after all, just after my first weekend at Miami, there was lots of new people, and places, and.....
Rule Number One (when dealing with Swine Flu): Don't Make Excuses!!! (just go the the doctor and get a check up)

Tuesday was a different story. I woke up freezing.. I wore sweatpants a sweatshirt to class (it was 86 degrees outside) and I came back from class and slept from 2 in the afternoon until the next morning.

One of my upperclassmen friends convinced me to go to the health center even though I told her I was completely fine..... a few hours later I was leaving the student health center with a mask on. I was told I had to go home.

I was so scared that I was going to fall behind on classes. I had heard horror stories of kids who had gotten sick and fell very far behind on their schooling because they had to go home and missed so much class.

However, my professors and other administrative members at Miami were very understanding and helped me out as much as possible. My professors told me they would accept late work, and when I finally returned they gave me the notes that I missed.

Here's another secret.... the swine flu isn't that big of a deal! (it's exactly like the regular flu)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Week

Who would have thought making friends would be so easy?

I loved high school, and I was so nervous about meeting new people, having new teachers and new classes, and living on my own! I didn't realize that college is the one time when making friends is so easy because everyone is in the same situation as you (being new to the school and all).

Miami did a great job at making all of the freshman feel welcome, and they had a nice balance between activities, assemblies, dorm bonding, and information sessions that would make the adjustment to Miami a lot easier.

The key to meeting people is leaving your door open. Then the people living on your floor can pop their heads in and introduce themselves without having to awkwardly knock on the door.

Just remember to bring a pair of shower shoes... you're going to want them!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Starting School and Move In

Hello! My roommate, Julie, and I moved in a day earlier than scheduled move-in. It was one-hundred percent worth the $30 that was required if you wanted to move in early. Hardly anyone decided to move in a day early, so we were able to use the elevator without a line and we could use the cart to bring in my two carloads worth of stuff easily inside. That gave Julie and I all day Thursday (which was "official" move in day) to relax and organize our already moved in room. Word of advice, move in early it's the only way to go!

Friday, August 7, 2009


Hello! My name is Megan, and I am a first year at Miami University in beautiful Oxford Ohio. Join me as I encounter new experiences and learn what it takes to be a successful freshman. I'll honestly answer questions like, what is move in day like? What happens during freshman orientation? What do Miami students do with all of their spare time between classes? What happens on the weekends? What sort of events go on at Miami? Through video footage, still photos, and text I hope to help you see why I fell in love with Miami!

Thursday, August 6, 2009