Monday, November 30, 2009

Second Semester Scheduling

I woke up at 6:50 ... am ... not pm. Moaned and turned my light on. I heard Julie groan, and her pillow slam on top of her face since light now flooded our room.

I put on my shower shoes and walked down to the bathoom, washed my face and brushed my teeth. I didn't even bother putting my contacts in. I was going back to bed the second I got done with registering for my second semester classes.

At 7:00 I was patiently seated in front of my computer. I didn't open Facebook ... I didn't finish up a paper that was due later on that day ... I just sat there and stared at the "registration/change of schedule" link on the Miami website.

When 7:10 rolled around I quickly logged on and entered all the CRNs (course registration numbers) that were needed to register for particular classes ...

A few weeks before I had gone to see my academic advisor. We figured out the classes that best suited my schedule. I still needed to take a few Miami plan classes, so I fit those into my schedule, plus I needed a couple more classes that were specifically required for my major. Since I still had a couple hours free I decided to take a Leadership class that would help me in becoming a well-rounded person ... which is part of my goal for my four years of college.

As a freshman, we all have an advisor who helps us plan for our second semester classes. I thought that this was very helpful since I had forgotten how to register since I hadn't registered since summer orientation.

After my meeting I used one of the greatest gifts I had ever received from Miami ... well a TANGIBLE gift ... "The Miami Bulletin" The insides were jam packed full of every class that Miami offered. It gives a brief description of the class, the CRN, if the class counted as a Miami plan class, and the number of credits. Plus, as students progress and move on through college, the Bulletin contains all the classes that are necessary to graduate with a specific major.

After I found all the classes I wanted to register for I looked up times and teachers on the web. Since freshman are the "lowest of the low" I had to look up many different options, since I knew I would get closed out of most of the classes I wanted. Those 11 am, noon, and 1 pm classes go as quick as candy in a first grade classroom.

As a business school professor explained at freshman orientation "freshmen get the eight am classes, the six pm classes, and the Saturday classes." He paused and let the realization sink in that we were fresh meat, and then he clarified "no, there are no Saturday classes, but if there were ... freshmen would get stuck in those too."

I wrote down the CRN of many different times of the classes that I wanted to take. I knew that I probably wouldn't get my ideal classes, but if I didn't find alternatives then I would probably get stuck in 8 ams every morning ... HAHAHAHA I still did get stuck in 8 ams ever morning (except Fridays).

I am really happy how prepared I was to register. I had all my CRNs put into the slots and submitted them at 7:15 am. I did get closed out of two classes, but all I did was enter my alternative CRN and ended up getting the same class at a different time.

The four 8 ams are going to be rough ... but I know I can do it. After all, what is the main reason for going to college in the first place? EDUCATION!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


When kids go off to college they often end up complaining about the terrible food that their school serves. It's greasy, and they serve the same thing night after night. About halfway through the year they prepare to eat paper or lick those scented markers to get a change of taste in their mouth.

This whole summer I was mentally preparing myself for the horrors of the food situation I had heard about. I would hoard all the good food like potato chips, fresh fruit, and chocolate under my bed... I inhaled my mom's HOMEMADE dinner meals... and I enjoyed my city's specialties that I would not be able to enjoy when I made my way to Oxford.

However, when I arrived I was in for a very VERY pleasant surprise. OUR FOOD WAS ACTUALLY DELICIOUS!!! And, we have dining halls with different food scattered all over campus.

Much to my pleasant surprise I was informed that Miami doesn't only have dining halls... they also have restaurants ANDDD markets!!! Some dining halls are all-you-can-eat buffets, while others are pay per item. This is convenient because if you are not terribly hungry you could drop in and buy a candy bar or a drink, or a healthy salad... but on the other hand... if you could eat a mountain if you were allowed the all-you-can-eat buffets are the place you'll want to go!

There are 20 restaurants, markets and dining halls! You will NEVER get sick of the food served at Miami!

If you are craving fresh salad and fruit head over to Alexander Dining Hall where they are known for their healthy meals! Attached to Alexander is The Greystone. I go here on Tuesday and Thursday each week because I have class from 11 until 2 and I never have time for actual sit down style lunch, so I order one of their delicious, deli, fresh sandwiches (usually tuna or turkey).

The guys that work at Greystone know me... I'm proud to admit. Each day they ask "tuna or turkey?" I tell them. They know the rest... no matter what type of meat I have I always have "wheat bread, lettuce, 1 slice of American cheese, a LITTTTTTLE mayo, and can I have it toasted please?" [insert smile here]

Bell Tower is a Miami favorite because of their wide variety of food, and the new business school just opened Dividends and it is quickly becoming a school-wide favorite.

If you need to quench that craving you have for greasy... DELICIOUS... food head over to Erickson.

Miami also has walk-in restaurants. They are amazing!! La Mia Cucina serves Italian dishes that are made to order. They have a cute, Tuscan-style eating area. Panache is Miami's upscale, trendy restaurant. It serves a wide variety of appetizers, soups, entrees and desserts.

I went to La Mia Cucina tonight with a couple of my friends. The food was great! I ordered spaghetti and meatballs, and all entrees come with a warm breadstick. It was nice to get a rich tasting Italiano meal every once and a while.

The nice thing about the markets is that they usually have longer hours than the dining halls. Dining halls have specific hours of operation, but I don't know about you... but I'm a stress eater... a "I'm bored so let's eat" eater... and a snacker. So as you can probably imagine I need places that I can get my fix of food after the dining halls' hours of operation.

The markets sell frozen meals, ice cream, cereal, snack food, healthy food, drinks, candy... basically anything you could make in a microwave or store in your mini-refrigerator.

Another nice thing about Miami's food service is that they have a link on our Blackboard webpage where the students can look at the different food places around campus and see the menu for the day. I know lots of kids do this if they are craving something in particular. It is a good way to not walk into a meal blind sighted that you might end up getting something you don't want!! (If you would like to see the link:

Now, I'm sure you're wondering why I'm so excited with food. Let me let you in on a little secret about the chemistry of Megan... two things NEVER get old for me. The first is boys. I love boys... The second is my LOVE for food... coming to Miami I was worried my taste buds were going to wither and die... THEY DIDN'T!!!

Oh, and a tip for you incoming freshmen who are sweets fans like me... King Cafe serves the BEST cookies (please please PLEASE try their peanut butter cookie... it is pure heaven (and a couple whole sticks of butter...). You seriously haven't LIVED until you've tasted their peanut butter cookie... I just drooled on the floor thinking about them.